One either Knows of ones Spirituality via ones intuition [which is an aspect of ones Apapsyche], or one "thinks"
about Spirituality... and this is an abstract thought... lacking any reality. It is OK to think about Spirituality, but let's
not confuse this thinking with the Reality of Spirituality. One "experiences" Spirituality via ones intuition, or
one does not Know Spirituality... period.
The first step on the ladder of Spirituality is to accept that one cannot take that first step using ones brain. This
concept is a very difficult concept for ones ego to embrace because it opens the door to ones fear of the "Unknown"
within oneself. This "Unknown" that we fear, oddly enough, is the Spiritual realm within ourselves that our MINDs
cannot perceive... and from birth our MINDs misperceive the Spirituality within us to be some kind of monster. The super subtle
Spiritual realm within us is believed by our MINDs to be a monster. Bet you did not know this, right?